Friday, 11 March 2011

Take a Risk.

Take a Risk...

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach for another is to risk involvement.
To expose your ideas, your dreams,
before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To believe is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken,
because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The people who risk nothing, do nothing,
have nothing, are nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.
Chained by their attitudes they are slaves;
they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

J'adore Project.

I got given a project a few weeks ago called 'Ja'dore' in this project I had to chose someone I know or didn’t, so I decided to choose an artist called Derek Hess. Hess is one of my favorite artist I've loved his work since the moment I first saw it. I went out on a limb with this one because I knew some things but not a lot, so this is where this project helped me to expand my knowledge about Hess. So here it is, this is my project...

J'adore sketch book work.

Here is a few pages form my sketch book, enjoy.

Seen before on my blog but this if eem in this project

Also seen on my blog but again a big part of my project

Open pages of my work for artist research

more research

Little bit more.

really fast derek hess dryin done in ink. 

Fallen angel drawing inspired by Hess.

j'adore dry point prints

Here is a select few dry point prints i produced for my project.

My plate and my main prints

I didnt use this print so i decided to work on this in pen.

Again i didnt use this one so i worked onto it with water colour.

This is a stand alone print.

now this print was done on material then worked on with pastels.

J'adore Image maker.

Here is my image maker on calico which i produced from my small dry point prints.

Series of image maker prints.

close up of print.

J'adore large print designs.

Here is my large dry point designs.

First design jester

Yet another card theme this is called 'king of hearts'

Simple rose design

Charcoal and water colour 'blood hands'

Ja'dore Large scale dry point prints.

Also for my project i did a series of large scale prints, this is how they turned out.

First attempt of dry point print

This is my seconed attempt but this time i used a darker colour.

Slightly lighter print number 3

what i think is the worse print out of the series. far to light but atleast i have it to back my work.

Ja'dore final design.

Here is my final design.

Ja'dore Final Piece

Final Piece This is my Wood Cut Plate

This is print number one

This is print number 2

And print 3 this is my worse print out of the 3 but one bad print on my first ever attempt at a wood cut is still good.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Who says you cant do art on fruit! Well i did check out my grapefruits!
Traditional Panther Design   

Another angle

Traditional Rose

Cartoon Dragon
Simple Skull
skull riping out the fruit!


Here is a few new pieces of work from me.

Derek Hess inspired piece

'Blood Hands'

fast sketch of a skull

fast drawing traditional tattoo design

Derek Hess

street art

urban art





Has Anybody Seen This?


Derek Hess is one of my many inspirations, his work is so unigue and interesting. Hess covers all different types of media from fine art to printmaking. Here is a few of my favourite pieces.

Derek Hess

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Shawn Barber.

Shawn Barber is just pure talent, his oil paintings are so realistic its untrue, i recently came across this artist while i was researching for my J' dore project. so take a look at a few oil paintings of his.

Shawn Barber